Sorry to hear you're having troubles acquiring tickets from Tixtu. You will need to join the University of Surrey Students' Union group to buy student tickets from Tixtu.

To join the University of Surrey Students’ Union group you will need to click an event, then click the ‘about group’ button in the top right hand corner, followed by the ‘join group’ button. This will take you to a page in which you will need to enter your URN (AKA: student number) and date of birth.  Your URN is the seven digit number, beginning with 6, below your name on your campus card. When entering your date of birth please ensure it is supplied in the following format DD/MM/YYYY e.g. 13/08/1992- you must use the forward slash between the date, month and year, any other formatting will not be recognised.  

Please ensure you have followed instructions in our ticket buying guide for further troubleshooting.

Tickets – Rubix (

If you are still having issues, please contact and let us know your student number and email address your account is registered to. If you have a query related to already purchased tickets, please send us the order number for the tickets in question.